How to protect your Wood Turning
The Scottish woodturner

A quality piece of wood turning can be handed down through generations but it will need some occasional care to keep it looking it's best. H.M.S. Victory still has some of the original wooden plates used at the time of the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805 and the earliest recorded turning dates to 2000BC.
Follow these simple instructions to get the most out of your new purchase.
Items like the fruit opposite can be buffed up with some ordinary household polish, a spray will do or some beeswax paste.
Larger pieces like the ash platter opposite will be best serviced with a coat of Danish Oil or any other food safe oil you may have to hand ie. walnut oil. Wipe on with some kitchen roll, leave for 5 minutes and wipe off any surplus. Leave to dry for 24 hours.
If in doubt just contact me and I'll talk you through it.